A Mark does not sell directly nor does it necessarily describe a business in any detail. The purpose of a mark be it a word, symbol or combination, is to visually represent a service, business or product in its simplest form, and to help distinguish it from its competitors.
A well crafted Mark helps make a positive impression on clients, colleagues and community, and is a visual vehicle which can help bring people together. Mark’s derive their meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolises, not the other way around—Marks are there to identify, not to explain.
It is also important to note that only after a Mark becomes familiar and recognisable does it function the way it is intended—much like how we first learn people’s names in order to properly identify them from one another.
Always on the lookout to work with talented people and great ideas.
PO Box 983, Station A
Nanaimo, British Columbia
Canada V9R 5N2